Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Today's output

This half-finished purse is all I have to show for today's efforts. I'm really excited about getting it finished though, because it's for ME. I've made about a gazillion of these purses (okay, actually probably only 5 or 6), but I've never made one for myself. So I took the opportunity today to start one. I know I was going to work on it this weekend, but it just didn't happen. Candy corn and crochet distracted me. I taught a class today on this bag, and everyone's turned out really cute. I wish I'd thought to take pictures...I never do until they are already gone.

On a happier note, this new fabric called BeBop from P&B came in the other day.
I haven't had the chance to take the plastic off yet, but that's on the list for tomorrow morning. The wheels in my head are already spinning with ideas for this line. Can't wait!

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