Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Pink & brown

Remember yesterday how I was dreaming of all the possibilities of embroidery beyond redwork? And how a baby quilt for a friend of mine was on my to-do list? (The friend has since had her baby, and I still haven't finished a quilt.) Well, the light bulb went on yesterday after I posted.

Being the glutton for punishment that I am, I started a yellow brick road quilt at 4:00 yesterday. The good thing about this quilt is that I had the top done by 7:00. The pattern calls for borders, but I really like the way it looks without them, especially since it's just intended to be a baby quilt. Wondering where the embroidery comes in? In the larger, pink marbled squares, I'm going to embroider the baby's "stats" (for lack of a better word) in brown thread. Ya know, the name, weight, date of birth, etc. I got the idea from a customer's quilt that I quilted, and she said she got the idea from a book but couldn't remember which one. So I can't give proper credit to whoever deserves it, but I think it's a wonderful idea. I haven't started embroidering yet, and I'm excited to see how it turns out.

Here's a little more pink & brown love from a wedding we attended on Saturday night. I just love the cowboy theme!

I'm off to figure out the best way to mark and embroider on that quilt... wish me luck!

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