Thursday, April 12, 2007

Hello again

That's the title of a movie with Shelly Long that I used to love to watch when I was a kid. Shelly Long chokes on chicken ball and dies. Seven years later (I think) her eccentric sister performs some spell to bring her back to life, only to find that her husband had married her former best friend. I can't remember what happens for the rest of the movie - only that it turns out happy for her. Maybe I'll add it to my Netflix list and refresh my memory.

Well, lots of time has passed since I last posted. In my defense, I have been posting on my shop's blog with some regularity. But I try to keep that one mostly related to quilting or other things going on at the shop. I really just started this blog as a way to test out the blogging waters, so to speak. And no one reads this (that I know of), so it is really serving more as a diary than a blog.

Not much has changed since I posted last. The weather warmed up and then cooled back down a little. The shop is doing well, continuing to grow. I've taken up longarm quilting, and I am way behind on quilting quilts, for customers and for myself. On a recent doctor's visit (just a routine visit, noothing serious) I learned that I've gained 3 pounds since last year. We knocked out a half-wall in our house and moved our living room into the front of the house, so naturally I now have the urge to repaint the old living room, which is now the dining room. And I think I've finally decided on an idea for a quilt and new paint color for the bedroom.

As I said, nothing much has changed. Ongoing redecorating/remodeling of our home, quilt shop business, just the usual. I'll post again when it occurs to me to do so.

1 comment:

Tonya Ricucci said...

hah, now you know someone IS reading you here!