Thursday, November 16, 2006

Shop update

Well, the store is coming along slowly but surely. The carpet is in, and I am starting to drag all of my fabric out of boxes and get prices on it. Byron is going to start putting up shelving tonight while I'm at quilt guild. My project for today is to put together the floor fabric displays that require quite a bit of assembly. I have a feeling it's going to be like putting together some of the cheap bookcases from Walmart, except much worse. It's probably a good thing I'm doing this little project by myself instead of involving Byron. I'm lucky all of this remodeling hasn't ended in divorce already... I'd better not press my luck by involving him in display rack assembly ("It says attach the front side of part B to the edge of part F using fastener that's the back... here let me do it... fine, screw it up! You're such an idiot!".... what a nightmare).

Here are few pictures of the store and some pictures that just makes me smile... enjoy!


Sharon said...
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Sharon said...

Wow! What a store! I wish we could come shop there. Maybe we'll make the 5 hour drive someday-it seems it would be very worthwhile!